The book Practice of Brahmacharya by Sivananda explains the yogic science of semen, stating that it exists in a subtle form throughout the whole body, found in all cells. Under the influence of sexual will and excitement, it is withdrawn and elaborated into a gross form in the sexual organ. An Urdhvareta Yogi not only converts semen into Ojas but also has the power to prevent its formation by the secretary cells of the testes through purity in thought, word, and deed. This is a great secret. While allopaths believe that even in an Urdhvareta Yogi, semen formation continues incessantly, and the fluid is reabsorbed into the blood.

The subtlest state of ‘Bindu’ or seed is ‘Soma’ or nectar, which inundates the body with subtlety, forming the foundation of life. After ejaculation, a man feels drained and empty as he loses this nectar. Semen is referred to as the ‘Prana of Pranas’, the basic vital energy upon which all other energies form and rest.

According to the book “Practice of Brahmacharya” by Sivananda, semen exists in a subtle form throughout the entire body and is found in all cells of the body. It is then withdrawn and elaborated into its gross form, known as ‘virya’ or semen, in the sexual organ under the influence of sexual will and excitement. For an Urdhvareta Yogi, who possesses the power of yoga and purity of thought, word, and deed, this subtle form of semen can be converted into ‘ojas’ or vital energy, which helps to check the very formation of semen by the secretary cells of the testes. This is a great secret of yogic science. Allopaths, on the other hand, believe that even in an Urdhvareta Yogi, the formation of semen goes on incessantly and that the fluid is reabsorbed into the blood.

The subtlest state of ‘bindu’ or seed is ‘soma’ or nectar. It permeates the body with subtlety and is the basis on which the foundation of life rests. It is often referred to as the ‘prana of pranas’, the basic vital energy upon which all other energies are formed and rest upon.

In a normal man, sexual sensation prompts the secretor cells in the testes to produce sperm, and Cowpers and prostate glands to release fluids. The mixture of these three fluids, known as semen, is ejaculated during sexual activity. In contrast, a Brahmachari yogi, who is an Urdhvareta, experiences a unique phenomenon. Through a different attitude and perspective, wisdom takes the forefront, and the subtle form of ‘bindu’ nourishes the body effectively and does not flow down to form semen. This subtle form of semen is at its maximum power and reach, similar to how a cup of water in its gross form has less energy compared to the same water in steam form, which can drive a steam turbine when pressurized.

Thus, Brahmachari yogis who practice Urdhvareta maintain their subtle energy, prevent the loss of their vital energy, and experience a higher level of spiritual and physical well-being.

In the pursuit of Urdhvareta state, the yogi embraces a lifestyle that aims to withdraw from and develop indifference to sense stimuli and responses. However, this requires a considerable effort to overcome past tendencies and gain divine blessings. Those who achieve this state have accomplished a significant feat.

Brahmacharya is a means to achieve the end goal of self-realization or God-realization. It is a tool that helps individuals break free from the cave of ignorance and reach a state of enlightenment, where they gain knowledge of themselves and the creator. In fact, Pranaman has authored two books on the topic – ‘Semen Retention Benefits,’ Vol-1 and ‘Semen Retention Secrets,’ Vol-2, which delve deeper into the subject.