Masturbation is an unnatural act of release of the reproductive element present within.

The purpose of the sexual act is progeny and nothing more. With masturbation, man deviates further into the realm of delusion and ignorance. With every act of masturbation, he affixes more and more of his faith into a concept lacking in substance. The act makes him fantasize, imagine, and delve his very self into nothingness. This is one of the major psychological consequences.

The physical aftereffects of masturbation, each and every act of this artificial release of sperm debilitates and destabilizes the vital energy (Prana). Prana is the essence of all thought, energy, and consciousness. It is the direct manifestation of the soul energy. A man is alive as long as the soul resides within. On exit of the soul the resultant form is a dead body. With every act of wastage of semen, one loses a fraction of his very self or soul. Mark how one feels tired, weak, and lifeless further to ejaculation. Mark the burning eyes, loss of life energy and irritation on discharge of semen. Further to a long mode in such a lifestyle, all the vital organs, the spine and brain become weak. The man starts to age prematurely. Semen when analyzed is found to contain large amounts of cerebrospinal fluid. The same ingredients which go into making our brain and spine also go into making semen. Constant loss of semen will eventually weaken the spine and brain. This is one of the major causes of back pain related problems among the majority. All mental faculties like memory, concentration and determination start to lessen and finally disappear. On the contrary, a few months of celibacy completely cure most back and health related problems, make one cheerful, energetic, and positive. True celibates rarely if ever suffer from any disease or debility. Even if they are afflicted by some disease due to past karma, they recover in no time. This is due to the high immunity and resistance the body develops further to re- absorption of vital fluid.

A man who transmutes his seminal energy into ‘Ojas’ develops a beautiful complexion, sparkling eyes, shining cheeks and an attractive personality. Conversely, loss of semen by masturbation or otherwise has the opposite effect. Loss of vital power makes the face drawn, weak and lusterless thereby imparting ugliness.

Words fail to describe the positive effects one gains from this noble mode of life called Brahmacharya. The true Brahmachari attracts universal, divine cosmic energy onto to himself in vast quantities. Brahmacharya makes one reach a state where he is in perfect sync with the universal cosmic energy. Nature starts to work with him and for him. There is perfect harmony in all spheres. Trouble rarely, if ever befalls him as nothing seems to go wrong. He succeeds wonderfully in whatever action he endeavors upon. He casts a great impression wherever he goes and thus wins over people with his nobility and virtue. A true Brahmachari needs not the aid of cunning, guile, manipulation or dominance to succeed in the world. Presence of enormous divine energy within him makes even wicked people treat him with respect and consideration. No one can remain oblivious to the radiance and nobility of a true Urdhvareta.

I would request everyone who reads this to lead a life of true celibacy in thought, word and deed for a few months and experience the truth behind this wonderful experience called Brahmacharya.

Techniques to de-addict oneself from pornography and masturbation.

It’s nice to see when one realizes the ill effects of porn and disgusting sexuality. You must’ve heard the saying ‘Better late than never’. This applies to celibacy and purity also. Let’s address the problem on hand first.

This is one objective, the achievement of which depends on the success of a multi-pronged attack against the delusive senses. I will outline some of the techniques you can employ:

STEP 1: Creative activity to keep the mind busy:

The tendency to watch porn and masturbate grows in people who make time for it. Keep yourself busy with productive and creative activity. If you are a working professional, devote all your energies into work during work hours. Don’t let the mind wander to the opposite sex. You will have to be very strict and firm while enforcing this. Remember always to be on alert against the onslaught of the senses. Work with the aim of giving your heart and soul towards the job on hand and creating something valuable for yourself and those dear to you. Being busy and thereby keeping the mind occupied on worthy pursuits is the best panacea to prevent lust from sowing its seeds.

STEP 2: Physical exercise:

Indulge in moderate physical exercise or play a sport you like early in the morning at least for an hour or so. Physical exercise converts sexual energy into bodily health and strength. When you feel strong, bright and cheerful, disgust will dawn at the concept of filthy sexuality. Pornography and masturbation are the worst forms of artificial and degenerative sexuality. Keep the thought of their ill effects in mind whenever you feel tempted towards porn.

STEP 3: Filters:

Install a powerful net content filter on your system (If necessary, ask your wife/girlfriend to choose the password and not to tell you the same. This will prevent access to harmful sites. Make your computer a device to access matter related to spirituality and well-being. Let it be the gateway to freedom from porn.

STEP 4: True love for one’s spouse

We should always remember that the near and dear people we come across in life are special manifestations of God trying to enrich our life. Your wife is God in the human form, talking, serving, smiling and being there for you. Keep in mind the way she serves you with love, affection, concern and understanding. Is it right for us to be selfish and undermine such a person? Keep in mind the happiness she will experience further to true love and attention from your side as her life partner. The happiness she gets from you being strong, bright, and contented. True love is not based on bodily beauty. The bodily beauty in a man or woman is an illusion. It is akin to a mirage. It was never really there. Keep this in mind. A person addicted to sexuality can never be a good human being. He firstly does injustice to himself by becoming firewood to the fire of lust. Direct your energies towards being a good husband and a human being.

STEP 5: Prayer to God:

Set aside some time of the day to meditate upon God. Further to meditation pray to God honestly and sincerely with the temerity of a child to redeem you of all ills. With the divine.