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The Surprising Benefits of Cold Showers

Cold showers have been gaining popularity in recent years, and for good reason. They bring a wide range of benefits that can positively impact...

The Secret of Semen Retention

“Semen will not stay within the man who stays in bed beyond sunrise.”— Pranaman Rising of the Sun represents life, dynamism, energy, and movement. It...
nofap attraction semen retention

The Attraction towards Women

When a man adopts a life of Brahmacharya, he conserves energy that was previously being sexually dissipated. Through semen conservation and transmutation with pure...

Experiencing a Semen Retention Flatline

The start of Semen Retention or Brahmacharya can bring about a range of physical and emotional responses in some individuals, such as an increase...

Semen Retention Meditation

To meditate, focus on the space that appears when you close your eyes and concentrate on the point between your eyebrows, known as the...

Understanding the 12-Year Rule

Brahmacharya, or celibacy, is a crucial aspect of spiritual evolution. This is because nature requires a specific amount of energy for significant changes to...

Unbreakable Dedication

"If you can maintain the practice of Brahmacharya, celibacy, for a full twelve years, you will achieve the ultimate goal of life, and immediately...

Stay Committed

For individuals pursuing growth through Brahmacharya or semen retention, it is crucial to abstain from any interaction with women in the initial stages until...

Preventing Wet Dreams

Wet dreams are often a manifestation of unfulfilled sexual desires in the subconscious mind. If a person indulges in sexual fantasies while awake, they...

The Path to Continuous Brahmacharya:

A person who succeeds in continuous celibacy is known as a Brahmachari. This is achieved through constant perseverance in celibacy, which eventually tips the...

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