To meditate, focus on the space that appears when you close your eyes and concentrate on the point between your eyebrows, known as the “Thrikuti.” Visualize this empty space as representing the vast and infinite universe filled by the formless Almighty. Imagine merging into this infinite emptiness and thinking, “I am a part of the Lord, occupying this vastness. I do not exist as a separate entity. I am the formless, infinite Atman, completely merged in the Lord.”

As thoughts arise, gently redirect your attention back to this visualization. With regular practice and a lifestyle of yoga and unbroken Brahmacharya, the mind becomes empty, and the Yogi reaches a state of super-consciousness, known as “Samadhi.” In this state, the Yogi is completely detached from the external world and experiences themselves as the pure soul, expanding to the vastness of the universe. This experience is indescribable and can only be felt. No further action is necessary.

This is how meditation is to be carried out. Nothing more needs to be done.

Ringing noise during meditation:

A ringing noise during meditation is one among the various ‘Anahata sounds’ or the sounds coming under the purview of the fourth chakra in the heart region. There are various other sounds associated with this chakra such as the humming of a bee, the blowing of a conch, the tinkling sound of cymbals, the sound of thunder etc… Advent of these sounds again suggests the ascent of consciousness into higher planes in the metaphysical world.

These are all gestures of encouragement given by God to the aspirant on the path of spiritual enlightenment.

At this stage, I would request you not give too much importance to them, but concentrate on focusing your mind on the great lord during meditation. Make your mind intent on knowing the true form of God and meditate with no expectations of fulfilment of material desires (a true aspirant need not worry regarding the fruition of desires, for the closer he gets to God, God takes care of fulfilling even the minutest of his desires) This will clear the path for further progress.