Brahmacharya, or celibacy, is the key to achieving exceptional success and fulfillment in all aspects of life, whether it be material or spiritual. The conservation of one’s vital energy, through the preservation of semen, allows for the unlocking of immense potential and greatness within a person. This energy, represented by semen, is a crucial component of a person’s overall strength and success. However, those who waste this valuable resource through sexual recreation ultimately suffer from a loss of energy and potential.
It is important to understand that the purpose of sexual activity is procreation and not recreation. By remaining celibate for even a short period, such as two weeks, the body experiences a release from the strain of constantly producing semen. To fully grasp the implications of this concept, it is recommended to read this material multiple times. Studies have shown that individuals only retain a small portion of what they read, therefore, reading this material 10-15 times will help solidify the understanding of this material and aid in achieving one’s desired life goals. Remember, repetition is the foundation of mastery.
Remember our mountain man climbing to the top of the highest mountain to achieve the ultimate?
By denying himself the worldly pleasures, which usually result in pain, he has given himself the ultimate, the greatest gift.
It is not a denial of anything; it is a gift you give yourself.
He has denied himself nothing and given himself everything.
You deny these things while on the path to the ultimate, so that you may eventually achieve the ultimate.
Pleasure serves no purpose. Denying this simple pleasure and instead using it as fuel gives you all the purpose.
The reason you are going to follow Brahmacharya until the end is so that you can stand on top of that mountain, tall and proud of your achievement.
In every man and woman, there is one source of energy that is superior to all other sources of energy.
This energy can be used to conquer worlds, achieve goals never thought possible, and give you ultimate bliss.
This energy can also be used to enslave you to vice and keep you from achieving the ultimate.
This energy is the ‘SEX ENERGY’.
If this energy is used correctly, all things are possible.
If this energy is wasted, nothing is possible.
The sex energy must be contained and used as fuel for the ultimate.
If this energy is not contained, I am afraid nothing great can be achieved.
It is not a matter of denying yourself; it is a matter of giving yourself the ultimate.
To the man climbing the highest mountain in the world, there is no thought of wishing to have sex or masturbation.
There is only the task at hand–climbing to the top of the world’s greatest mountain.
The mountaineer spent his whole life to achieve this goal, and, in this moment, there is no sense of regret for not taking part in releasing his vital sexual energy.
The vital sexual energy is what creates life — literally. When you expel this vital sexual energy in short-term sexual acts, you do not allow the life energy to build inside of yourself.
When you do not take part in short-term sexual relationships, you allow this tremendous energy to build within you and give you incredible vitality and inner life.
No masturbation is allowed in the practice of Brahmacharya. None.
Sex is not advised until you get married and want to have children. You are actively trying to achieve the ultimate goal.
Sex will get in your way, drain you of vital energy, and release your supreme creativity in base ways.
This energy must be channeled into the ultimate. You must not think that it is a denial because it is not.
You are not denying yourself anything; you are giving yourself the greatest gift in the world—LIFE ENERGY.
You must use this life energy to build your great work and accomplish your great goal, whatever it is.
It is highly advised to eliminate lust from your mind.
If you abstain from sex and masturbation but do not abstain from mental lust, nothing positive will happen.
Your lust will force itself out in other ways.
But if you eliminate lust from your mind, even temporarily, you will be astounded at the power you possess.
The lust can be eliminated from the mind using your powers of thought control.
And this—the replacement of following lust with walking the path of the ultimate – is Brahmacharya.
When you follow this path, you will be astounded at how much you can accomplish every single day and never get tired.
You will be astounded at the mental bliss you are in at all times.
It is important to never let this energy out until your goal has been accomplished.
Boxers of the past knew this.
They would not engage in sexual acts in the weeks leading up to a boxing match.
They would do this to save their vitality and energy and release it in the boxing ring only.
All great masters of the past knew the sacred strategies of Brahmacharya.
Brahmacharya, in literal terms, is the virtue of celibacy when unmarried and fidelity when married.
It represents a virtuous lifestyle that also includes simple living, meditation, and other behaviors.
The word Brahmacharya translates as ‘behavior’, which leads to Brahman. Brahman is ‘the creator’ (The Ultimate) in Hinduism and yogic terms.
Brahmacharya is behavior which leads us towards ‘the divine’ or ‘higher power’… The Ultimate.
The great gift of Brahmacharya is that it teaches you to control your own mind.
It is not a great idea to simply be celibate in the body, but lustful in the mind.
The lust has to be eliminated from the mind or disastrous results can be expected. But how do you eliminate lust from you mind?
It is easy.
When you have thoughts of lust… You just change your mind.
You are the one in control of your own thoughts and you can choose to think anything you want.
For the next 30 days, choose to think thoughts that are not connected with lust.
At the end of 30 days, you can go back to your old ways if you want to, or you can continue the path.
But it is important to develop your powers of will, and to give yourself the mental energy needed to complete your goal.
It is through the magic of Brahmacharya that all great things in this world were created.
It is through Brahmacharya – the sacrifice of momentary pleasures – that you walk on the path of the ultimate.
Think of Brahmacharya as preparation for a contest, like a boxer preparing for a tough match.
Think of it like building up your energy so that you may use it to build your business or climb your mountain.
Make Brahmacharya a part of everyday life. It is a great idea to follow the path as long as you wish but follow minimum for 90 days to notice the clear benefits of Brahmacharya
Many who start Brahmacharya will be single.
It is rarely that a married man chooses to go into Brahmacharya
Most single men – and even married men – have one great big problem in the modern world.
This great big problem is the #1 cause of the total lack of achievement by most men. Do you know why modern men are so hopelessly lacking in achievement?
It isn’t because they are having sex all the time.
It is because…
They are addicted to internet pornography and masturbation.
As much energy as sex releases, porn, and masturbation release 100x more.
The addiction to internet pornography is much worse for your energy than sex and masturbation combined.
The addiction to internet porn and masturbation must be annihilated if you wish to achieve anything in this life.
The later chapters will describe how.